Philippe Ehlinger graduated as a medical doctor at the University of Antwerp in 1988 with great distinction. He also obtained the following diplomas: licentiate in dentistry and postgraduate in business economics. He is currently writing a thesis on Egyptian art, as a final project for a graduate course in art history.

Dr. Ehlinger was trained by Prof Richter at the Hôpital Universitaire et Cantonal de Genève in the Maxillo-facial surgery division of the rehabilitation surgery department. Afterwards he was the head of the clinic at Prof Béziat (plastic and MKA surgery) at the Université Lyon-Nord. Since 1997 he has been active in his practice and in the GZA hospitals where the patients are admitted for more complex treatments under narcosis, if necessary.

Some treatments happen better in a hospital than in a practice or a private institution. The GZA hospitals are JCI-accredited, if possible, colleagues from all possible disciplines can be called in, there is an emergency admission and an anesthesia-monitoring service 24/24 and 7/7. Safety is above all else.